About us
HEJUBA - The IT Champions in Basel, Zurich since 2012 and soon also in Germany.
We are a team of experts who together offer you the best performance in the all-round support of your IT needs.
We offer strategic IT consulting with a business background and design and operate your secure and reliable IT infrastructure with personal contacts.
Together we shape your digital business development.
For our clients in Switzerland, we offer subsidised IT security checks in cooperation with the HKBB, and in Germany we are certified by the Federal Ministry for goDigital.
Our Credo
- We offer IT support but are also your strategic partner for digitalisation and strategic business development.
- We strive for elegant, lean and stable solutions.
- We are a team of experts and cover a wide range of solutions.
- We help our customers (hidden champions) with reliable IT that enables innovation instead of hindering it.
- We are a growth factor for our customers.
- Testing our work is the basis of the quality of our work.
- We do not make a blanket assumption that IT systems we support always work without errors and therefore always take all our customer enquiries and problems seriously.
- We offer our customers personal contact persons.
- We see monitoring and control of IT as the basis for stable and correctly dimensioned solutions.
- We strive for transparency in the structure of our solutions and documentation.
- We see our customers as partners and strive for long-term relationships in order to develop together.
Our commitment
Social commitment
Our social commitment bases upon one percent of our annually sales. With these charitable donations we take on social responsibility.
The recipients include:
- Technology for the next Generation Research Award, hejuba.com/nextgeneration
- Rega Switzerland, www.rega.ch
- Tingg, ting.community
- SG Grenzach-Wyhlen, sg-grenzach-wyhlen.de
- e9 youth + culture, www.e-9.ch
- Doctors without Borders, www.msf.ch
- Beider Basel animal shelter, www.tbb.ch
Our staff
Our employees share in the company's profits after the first year, because those who are prepared to take responsibility should also share in its success.
We will soon be climate neutral. To this end, we are expanding our participation in Bürgerenergie Dreiländereck eG (https://be3land.de/). Our hosting partner and sister company, VisioPro GmbH (www.visiopro.eu), has committed itself to generate the power consumption of all its servers through renewable energies. For this purpose, they also participate in a solar plant and operate a partial island solution.
Meilensteine unserer Entwicklung
- HEJUWOOD - Investition der Eignerfamilien in weiteres Waldgrundstück (1.0 Hektar) zur Co2 Kompensation. Digitale Erfassung und Bewirtschaftung
- Akkreditiert vom BSI für Cyber Security Checkups: https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Adressen/DE/CyberRisikoCheck/H/HEJUBA_GmbH.html?nn=1109858
- Unterstützung der nächsten Generation von Informatikern ICT Scouts
- Erweiterung des TNFG Netzwerkes
- HEJUBarbecue - Gartengrillen mit Cocktails mit unseren Mitarbeitern
- HEJUMEET - Projektoffice als Tinyhouse am Waldrand, 5km entfernt von Basel
- HEJUWOOD - Investition der Eignerfamilien in ein Waldgrundstück (2.2 Hektar) zur Co2 Kompensation
- Ausbildungspartner DHBW Lörrach - Angebot von Studienplatz im Bereich Informatik / Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Anschaffung eines Firmenroboters - DJI Robomaster - zum Testen von KI und verschiedenen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten (Video)
- Strategische Partnerschaften mit Swisscom, IWB, AWS und HP
- Unterstützung und Sponsoring: SG Grenzach Wyhlen, LMG, Musikverein, Bürgerstiftung
- Umfirmierung AG
- Erweiterung Internetleitung CH Office auf 25GBit
- Erweiterung Fachspektrum: Starlink
- Fertigstellung unseres Büros in Grenzach-Wyhlen
- Erste Messeausstellung auf der Leistungsschau Grenzach-Wyhlen
- Anerkennung als Startup der Universität Basel
- 4. TNFG Vergabe mit ideellen Unterstützern
- Mitarbeiterevent 10 Jahre HEJUBA Segeln im Tessin und Grillevents
- Hauptsponsor Förderverein Gymnasium LMG lmg.pcom.de
Our History
2023 (Plan)
- Change of name to AG
- Extension of the office internet line to 25GBit
- Erweiterung der Kundenstorage um 70TB
- Erweiterung des Clientmanagement um Dataprotection und Datatheft Komponenten
- Gründung HEJUBA Deutschland GmbH (www.hejuba.de)
- Tingg, ting.community
- SG Grenzach-Wyhlen, sg-grenzach-wyhlen.de
- Einstellung des ersten Mitarbeiters für Marketing und Vertrieb
- Be-Digital Partner für IT Sicherheitschecks der HKBB (https://www.be-digital-basel.ch/angebote/cyber-security-checkup/)
- Extension of client storage by 70TB
- Extension of client management by Dataprotection and Datatheft components
- Foundation of HEJUBA Deutschland GmbH (www.hejuba.de)
- Hiring of the first employee for marketing and sales
- Be-Digital partner for IT security checks of the HKBB (https://www.be-digital-basel.ch/angebote/cyber-security-checkup/)
- Central client management developed and rolled out
- Acquisition of a 3D printer
- Biometric office access
- Securing the renewable electricity consumption through participation in the Bürgersolar Genossenschaft Hochrhein
- Renewed research award "Technology for the next Generation" as part of the social commitment
- Move to our new office in the heart of Basel with 120m²
- Go live of www.wisido.com
- Development of central Backupmanagementtool for our customers
- Support of scientific computing with BOINC Serveron our infrastructure
- Research award "Technology for the next Generation" as part of the social commitment
- Own Monitoring Infrastructure
- Idea and Development of www.wisido.com
- Social Comitment: Tierheim beider Basel, REGA, Ärzte ohne Grenzen
Office Connection with 1Gbit synchron
Development VOIP Solution, Webphone for one of our customer
Start Mybooking for Hotels und Appartements
- Move to bigger Office
- first employees
- initial setup of Backupstorage for customers (25TB)
- First Office
- Founding of GmbH in Basel