A performant client management is an important part of a successful IT strategy. Unfortunately, this aspect is often overlooked. We show you how to efficiently use and manage your terminal devices in times of remote work.


Which notebooks are actively used? Is the virus protection up to date? Have the latest security updates been applied? 

These and other critical issues are analyzed and covered as part of our centralized client management. The system is tried and tested and has been used by our customers for many years.
In a modern corporate environment, hardware and software no longer always remain within the office building. Laptops, servers or other technical devices are used worldwide. Therefore, a solution is needed that reduces complexity and displays the status of your terminal devices quickly and clearly. With our software-independent client management, you maintain an overview, secure your laptops and protect them even in the event of theft or loss.
We work remotely - which means you don't have to interact and can concentrate on your core business. Updates of your software are carried out automatically by us. We also protect you and your employees via remote lockout in the event of hardware loss.

Read a customer case study here.


With our client management we manage your terminal devices and protect you from failures!


Windows updates

Monitor and install update remotely


Install and update drivers

Activity dashboard

Device online? Last state?


Overview of installed software

User and rights management

Create, update and remove users

Backup monitor

Monitor the backup solution


Remote installation in the background

SSD/HDD Encryption

Protect storage with external key

Localization and remote wiping

Protection in case of loss and theft

Dataprotection Addon zzgl.: 2.5CHF

  • Data Theft Detection - Erkennung von massenhaftem Datenverkehr im Netzwerk oder lokale Wegspeicherung auf externe Geräte
  • Dataprotection - Erkennung von kritischen Lese- und Schreibvorgängen
  • Ransomware Detection - Erkennung von kritischen Datenträgeraktionen
  • Client Isolation - Isolation und Sperrung des Clients im Bedarfsfall
  • Notfallplan für Response durch HEJUBA im Schadensfall

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